He captures some images which represent the life without internet... symbolically though. Some of the samples -

Its like sitting around with bagful things to share but waiting for the link (remember the yellow light)

Or its like Get Set STOP wait for the signal...
But now Kaleidoscope is habituated to live without internet. First with his change in job from Management heaven to the College at the industrial hell! And now with BSNL catastrophe.
Kaleidoscope does not miss this companion any more!!
But he is confused again. Kaleidoscope is confused whether his entire life surrounded by the multilayered worlds is just a habit of living in a particular structure? If he is going to be the same without the world which he often takes for granted? Is his entire life is just a habit of living in a given structure which is his comfort zone?
Kaleidoscope knows the quasi change of self positioning... he does so... and he is immediately uncomfortable, afraid and something like this -

So Kaleidoscope decides to call "The Queen" and end this confusion (unresolved).
Good job my photographer-cum-writer friend! Keep posting such wonderful stuff. You're definitely going to find a frequent visitor in me to your site.