Monday, April 3, 2023

Co-constructions - The other name of Love

The world engulfs you towards a liminality when ideas flow and inspiration comes from the space and the person whom you belong to. It was a sudden plan that invited Kaleidoscope to jump into and then develop a co-authored lifeworld that begins now but feels like it has always been like this. The co-authorship promises for a co-constructed journey to a liminal world and back. 

Kaleidoscope knows the transient nature of such journeys but the journey continues and keeps on repeating even when it's over for the moment. The touch remains on his skin, the smell recalls the warmth and memories of a nostalgic world. 

The co-constriction nevertheless is a lonely game when it's not raining, the co-construction is fulfilling when it is raining. Like a traveller without a travelogue Kaleidoscope contonues to embrace the absent trace through the smell, warmth and hugs that brings him close to the soul that saves him a million times without even knowing. 

Image- The Persistence of Love by Salvador Dali

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