When kaleidoscope and the queen face uninvited troubles to be ended up in complete absense of one of the most precious components of their life, their life experiences personapub.
Personapub is a perfect imbalance of emotional shower and political egology. A complete conflict between expectations and actual situation preoccupied with egoistic selves. For Kaleidoscope it is a trendy facebookish friendsphere where he presents his unknown self and expects those facebookish masks to operate.
The inactive network: onslaught of Publics
As the queen opens her heart with narratives of pain, fear, anxiety and restlessness in thought of possible future, Kaleidoscope consoles without proper language. As he lacks the language, he thinks only the presence has the ability to create a comforting firewall to ease queen's pain.
Relying on this thought Kaleidoscope uses (tests) his facebookish 'strong' network by intimating their uninvited trouble to one of the endusers, whom they have faith. The experimentation yields unexpected result as the rest of the network remains inactive until the final loss. With his emotional self, Kaleidoscope blames the enduser for his failure to yield expected result. The enduser, however, wonders and questions Kaleidoscope's authority. As Kaleidoscope's stronger message remains ignored he does a restudy of the failure to find his repeated inability to empathise the enduser.
Bridging the gap:
When Kaleidoscope finds his empathic inability he forces himself to activate more endusers. This time he gets prompt response.
Network reactivates: the sphere is personal again!
While his facebookish friendsphere reactivates, the queen develops apathy to the existing network. The network tries to instigate personal discourse which now faces another firewall of Queen's apathy. Kaleidoscope knows only a few endusers will survive while facing this firewall. With the friendsphere increasing tries to restart the personal mode of existence, a threat of political egology remains the same.
~~~Kaleidoscope can now visualise an emptiness in ever increasing number~~~
Fundamental assumptions:
1. Facebook is not about faces its about masks.
2. Political egology or egoistic politics is a virus that is spreading across networks.
3. Political egology will bring a complete transformation (if not end) of weness or community feeling.
4. Loss of community feeling is capitalised by the corporates.
5. Presentation of self and/or wearing masks is most prominent sublimation of this time.
See if you wish: